June 23, 2008

Mary Poppins?

A quandry.

The babies have been attending their nursery since March. It's a nice nursery, a good nursery yes? Yes.

Will now be singing Fiddler On the Roof songs for the rest of the day.

Anyway. The nursery they attend is several villages away from where we live. It was the only nursery in the area we could get the babies into, it's got "Outstanding" on the Ofsted ratings, and apart from the odd biting incidents, the babies seem to get on well there. It's been a real learning curve, and it can get frustrating since most of the carers are quite young and not so experienced with babies, but in general the babies' have really thrived there. Nora is a real favorite amongst the staff and when Nick goes down for his naps Nora - who is more of a nighttime snoozer than her brother - gets carted around and visits the older kids' rooms.

The problem is that not only is this nursery quite a drive from the house, but it's expensive. Shockingly, eye wateringly expensive. Even with a company discount and childcare vouchers, we are hit very hard by the cost of nursery fees. Luckily I chucked my entire bonus in a savings account last year, and despite the row that move caused, I've been glad for it - it's helping fund the monthly childcare cost.

There is another nursery in the picture now. Closer to the house - on a nice day even within walking distance - we've been trying to get into it for ages. It got a "Good" rating from Ofsted, but it's run by the county council and is not a for-profit nursery like the one the twins currently attend. What's even more of a driver for us is the fact that the nursery bill will be slashed by £950 a month. £950. I don't know what your monthly incomes are like, but that £950 is a huge relief, and means the difference between being able to pay the nursery bill out of the paycheck instead of hitting up a savings accout that's getting so thin it's nearly anorexic.

We toured the new nursery on Thursday to make sure we were happy with it. We showed up during a juice break, and the kids were all gathered together and were singing and such. Everyone seemed happy. The nursery was clean, stocked with all kinds of arts, crafts, and toys, and the baby room was a happy cheerful place.

We agreed this is what's best for the family as a whole. The babies will be happy and safe, our nursery bill will be slashed dramatically, and the nursery staff were older and more experienced. We turned in our notice at the babies' current nursery.

And then.

Harriet is a young woman who is currently the babies' primary carer at their nursery. She absolutely adores the twins, and they respond well to her. She's level-headed, firm, and doesn't have a problem dealing with toddler tantrums.

Harriet pulled me aside on Friday and asked if we would consider hiring her on as a nanny, instead of putting the babies in a new nursery.

We didn't see that one coming.

We'd originally elected to not use a nanny as we felt they cost too much, and since we both work from home we worried we would interfere. Just the term "nanny" to me feels like some kind of posh realm that I have no right inhabiting. Nannies are for people who have their shit together, not someone like me who couldn't for the life of her find a rubber band this morning. Nannies are for the upper class. They're for people who jet off to Monte Carlo for the weekend and attend movie premieres with their boobs held in with special tape and get Botox every 6 weeks. They're not for people who prefer a nice bowl of macaroni and cheese while in their boxer shorts watching downloaded episodes of Brothers and Sisters.

But the more we thought about it, the more it sounded feasible. The idea that the babies were just a room away. Harriet said they'd still get socialization as she'd attend baby and toddler groups with them. She's really keen.

And now we're weighing up our options.

I'm in foreign territory here - I don't know how to employ someone. What happens if she wants a career change? Or if she gets pregnant - do we pay for maternity leave? If she decides not to nanny we're screwed - the new nursery the babies will attend is full until June 2010. We wouldn't be able to get a new place there, let alone two new places. What is a relationship like that like, employer to nanny? How are holidays handled? Taxes? Where'd I leave the remote?

Harriet is coming round to see the house later this week and talk with us. I think she'll be warned off just by seeing the state of the house, especially considering the fact that all of the bathrooms now have windows in them, and until the two new bathrooms are ready it means we're furtively peeing as fast as we can. Don't even get me started on the flashing that goes on when we shower now.

I'm maybe getting worried over nothing. It's most likely we'll continue with the plan of going to the new nursery, as it will likely come down to money. I wish it wasn't the case, and I'm not sacrificing the babies for the allmighty pound as all of the options we're weighing have been prioritized for their safety (although if I could find a pack of wolves who'd not only watch the babies for a fiver but would ensure the twins have access to all the bananas they want to eat, I'd consider it) and happiness, but the financial drain of the nursery they're in now is dramatic, and has to change.

Advice gratefully received here (unless you're going to tell me that I should take the babies out of nursery, quit my job, and stay at home. Don't go there.)


PS - Teresa was right. The "N" word is a word we all know, but one that I don't like being used here or anywhere else around me. If we can steer clear of that word, that would make me happy. That, and please don't use the word "ginormous". Ginormous is not a word and it pisses me off.

PPS - How did I handle that guy last week? I'll be honest - I wanted to blow up and let my inner sarcastic bitch run ragged over his ego. But I feel the industry is in flux, and that perhaps any day now I may wind up working for him (even though I won't. No really.) So all I did was smile sweetly in my voice, and reply "You think so? I've been told I'm many things, but vulnerable is not one of them. Now about the plans..." It made him stop talking to me in that soft voice of his, anyway.

Posted by: Everydaystranger at 09:46 AM | Comments (32) | Add Comment
Post contains 1185 words, total size 7 kb.

June 15, 2008

June 15, A Big Day Really

It's my five year anniversary of blogging today.

It will be spent researching radiators, stripping woodchip paper, taking care of babies, and installing kitchen cabinets.

It will also be spent celebrating Father's Day - Angus' first as a father of four. He enjoyed a Father's Day card presented by the babies (one corner slightly chewed), a step-up ladder, and a vintage 1960's VC-10 advert. He's also enjoying the bad baby moods I enjoyed on Mother's Day. At least the babies are fair (and hopefully the bad moods will pass.) Me, I gifted him with a morning shag. He can't say I never gave him anything, right?

Happy Father's Day to the dads out there.

And thanks for being here all this time.


UPDATED: Both babies gave Angus another gift - this morning both babies started rolling over, from back to front and back again.

And then ten minutes ago, Nora decided the time had come to sit up alone.

So she did.

Little Miss Muffet

Posted by: Everydaystranger at 07:32 AM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
Post contains 175 words, total size 1 kb.

June 09, 2008

I Would Be Headed to Kindergarten Then

Here's a strange thing - on Sunday I will have been blogging at this site for five years.


That seems like a long time, doesn't it? Five years. Kinda' significant, don't you think?

I remember where I was when I created this blog on the 15th of June 2003 - I was sat at my desk at Company X on the outskirts of Stockholm. A lot of people were away on holiday and I didn't have much to do. I had toyed with the idea of blogging for a while and there, on the web, was Blogger. I logged in. I created my blog. I sat there thinking of what to name it - I wanted it to be about Any Woman, about someone you might pass on the street but who is much more than just a passer-by. I came up with the name Everyday Stranger, and to this day I'm not quite sure how I got the name. I am lucky in that I still really like the moniker, I still think it fits.

When I started blogging I was at a crossroads. I was living and working in Sweden but not feeling very Swedish. My marriage was foundering. I had two failed IVF cycles and one miscarriage behind me. I had tried to top myself 6 months prior to starting this blog, which earned me an overnighter in a psych ward that nearly pushed me over the edge, two months off work in the dark of winter, and movement to a project so much less stressful than what I had been doing that I nearly went comatose. Company X were laying off tens of thousands of people. My ex wanted us to move to China.

Seems so long ago, doesn't it? 2003. Five years. In those five years (and not in chronological order) I've:

- Divorced
- Gotten engaged
- Moved to England
- Got laid off
- Got hired
- Delivered a project that is a CV's wet dream
- Won awards
- Fought my bosses
- Moved house (3 times)
- Bought a house
- Lost a dog
- Got a dog
- Lost Mumin
- Got stepkids
- Had 3 IVF cycles
- 1 of which worked
- Had twins
- Travelled lots
- Made up with my Dad and Stepmom
- Both of whom I love a lot
- Got a driving license
- Got Postnatal Depression
- Finally got the psychotherapy I needed and wanted, and it saved me
- Angus
- Then there's Angus
- There's always been Angus though, as long as I can remember

Five years. And the thing is, I've been blogging more or less (less these days) five days a week for five years. I have 1239 blog entries, and once I push publish that'll go up to 1240. I tried to figure out how much I've written before - I gave up after a while as it was eating my hard drive. Each month came to about 35-40 pages of writing. Brevity clearly is not my thing. Times sixty (bear with me here, math is not my strong point) that equates to 2,400 pages of writing.

That's several books right there. Boring, self-centered, it's-all-about-me books, but still. Books.

Can I tell you how great my sense of pride is when I think that I have written so much? I usually can't even finish a thought, let alone so much writing. I feel really good about not just achieving, but on over-shooting that mark by a long way. It's stupid really - it's not like I've cured cancer or anything, I've just been keeping a daily journal. But I keep going at this, I enjoy it, I get so much from it. 2,400 pages. Five years, full of my failures, my fears, my joys, my hopes, and my hormones.

It's a funny thing, really. I think a lot of people around in the early days are gone now. I started getting readers quite quickly, a lot of whom no longer blog or no longer stop by. I think that's the way of things, perhaps - we grow away, although luckily some people grow together. I have people who come by here who read through all of the archives, and when I hear that I'm so humbled, I find that staggering, not least of which because the blogging platform I'm on didn't handle some changes well and there are weird little symbols littered throughout some of my archived posts.

Five years.

Now that's a thing.


PS - Still in pox incubation period. No sign yet. I do know that it's better to have chicken pox as a youngster, I just really need a break from all the illnesses right now. We've had such a long spate of them that I'm considering putting the babies in a bubble. Surely they can pipe CBeebies and mango puree into a bubble?

Posted by: Everydaystranger at 09:51 AM | Comments (36) | Add Comment
Post contains 840 words, total size 4 kb.

June 07, 2008

We Walked 5K and Raised Money for Cancer Research Today - How Was Your Day?

We had a great day walking the Race for Life cure for cancer walk in Guildford. Nora and I finished the 5K walk in 53 minutes and 45 seconds. The weather was beautiful and warm, we enjoyed our day, and Nora got her photo taken and may be in the paper shortly.

One of us wound up carrying the other throughout the entire race. I won't name names.

Mommy and Nora

Mommy and Nora 2

Nora got her very first medal, too. Not bad for an 8 month old. Shame it went straight into her mouth.

Medals are tasty

Here's to trying to find a cure for cancer.



Posted by: Everydaystranger at 05:10 PM | Comments (28) | Add Comment
Post contains 129 words, total size 1 kb.

June 06, 2008

A Letter to Make Me Weep

I am completely exhausted and worn out. I don't know how much more we can take. We've had a month of flu, colds, flu, conjunctivitis, ear infections, teething, the Queen Mother of nappy rashes, Nick getting bitten three times (and we instructed the nursery to keep the biter away from our sitting ducks babies) and then yesterday there was a little something that made me almost drop to my knees.

As seen on the door of the nursery:

Parents -

Please be advised there has been a confirmed outbreak of chicken pox in the Babies' Room of the nursery.

- Management

We're now in the incubation period, because we're definitely going to get it.



UPDATE-someone just let me know that my status as a Mommy Blogger is official. At least I'm considered hot. Apparently hotness is not based on votes.

Posted by: Everydaystranger at 07:35 AM | Comments (28) | Add Comment
Post contains 154 words, total size 1 kb.

June 03, 2008

It's a Cheap Ploy, a Cheap Ploy I Tell You!

OK, so I've had to hit the ground running today. We've had intermittent power for a while as they're updating our electrics in the house. Angus and I have been busting our asses tiling the kitchen floor. It's raining in the nursery again. I have work a mile long to do today. Our home PC is knackered but we can't find the discs to rebuild it. And last but not least the babies - who are 8 months old today - have nappy rash, 5 teeth amongst them coming through, and conjunctivitis so we are very popular with the eye drop administration.

So forgive me for taking a very cheap route - I leave it to you*. Ask me a question in the comments and I'll endeavor to answer it tomorrow. Of course I'm not going to answer things like "what's your real name?" and the like that give away my secret superhero identity, but I'll try to address anything else.


And thanks.


* Yes I feel dirty. This is what happens when your to-do list makes you want to break out the gin.

Posted by: Everydaystranger at 07:03 AM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
Post contains 206 words, total size 1 kb.

June 01, 2008

Winner of the Mommy Dearest Award

Yesterday Nora broke three teeth through her top gum, and she was irritable, hot, and uncomfortable. Nick is following suit, and for once the babies did not go to bed easily. We've been up loads during the night with them, which we haven't had since January.

At 4 am Nick started to shout. Blearily I went in, checked to make sure the rain wasn't coming in the ceiling again (it wasn't), applied teething gel, and went back to bed. The teething gel takes a moment to kick in, but the relief (when it hits) means the noise stops.

At 6 am Nora started screaming. I went in, rubbed her cheeks and forehead, applied teething gel, and went back to bed, waiting for her to stop screaming.

But she didn't.

At 6:30 I went back in and tried to pick her up. She let out an enormous roar of rage. I realized why.

I had been so busy checking their teeth and faces that I hadn't even realized her leg was stuck between the bars of the two cots and that - not her teeth - was why she'd been screaming.

She has two large bruises on either side of her shin. Cot bumpers are going up on the beds today, and huge amounts of cuddles, kisses, and her favorite yogurt have been applied. I'm debating buying her a pony. A pony will make it all better.

I feel so guilty you wouldn't believe it. I should've checked her leg. I feel like the worst mother in the history of awful mothers.

my poor baby


Posted by: Everydaystranger at 07:39 AM | Comments (42) | Add Comment
Post contains 274 words, total size 2 kb.

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