July 22, 2004

Gasp-a Political Post

I have a new man in my life.

His name is Godfrey Bloom.

And perhaps I should clarify-I have a new man in my life that I hate more than I hate getting razor burn on my bikini line.

I really don't get that interested in English politics, like I really didn't get that interested in Swedish politics because, frankly, if I can't vote and have a say then I figure why expend energy in trying to absorb all of the issues. But Godfrey Bloom has wound me up more than a grandfather clock at Madame Tussaud's, and I want something done about him.

Godfrey Bloom is a politician (no wait-it gets worse). He is a member of UKIP, which stands for the UK Independence Party, a party with a rather singular platform-to get the UK out of the EU. That's fine and dandy, whatever blows your skirts up, I can see pros and cons for being in the EU, but we can go ahead and have a party for it (not that kind of party.)

But Godfrey Bloom said this on Wednesday:

"No self-respecting small businessman with a brain in the right place would ever employ a lady of child-bearing age."

And guess what? He's the UKIP's representative for Women's Issues.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I am feeling anything but fine.

I beg your pardon, Godfrey Bloom? Have you taken a look around the workplace lately? I have noticed both in the UK and in Sweden that the males in the room fuck off around 4 pm everyday-essentially when child care closes down. And in Sweden, the paternity leave can be just as long as the maternity leave. Those of us without kids often get to stay late and keep working-to be clear, that's both the childless men and women who stay late.

And what about women like me? Women who are of childbearing age but cannot/will not/do not want to have children? OK, so I am hoping to remedy that, but I know quite a few women that opted clean out of the baby ring. Are you saying that just because they're still menstruating they're out?

What about older women that have babies? Cherie Blair, for example, had her baby at age 46. Or perhaps she doesn't count since her hubby is a Prime Minister and can bring home the bacon for the family? Now that IVF and fertility drugs have opened doors for childless couples, it's not uncommon to see women having babies in their mid-40's.

So, Godfrey Bloom, with that in mind, are you really saying that women between the ages of 16 and 50 shouldn't work at all?

Godfrey Bloom took up his position as he says:

"I just don't think they clean behind the fridge enough".

"I am here to represent Yorkshire women who always have dinner on the table when you get home. I am going to promote men's rights," he added.


Well, Godfrey Bloom, perhaps if you didn't make your wife serve your meal on top of the fridge, then you wouldn't have to clean out behind it so much. Act like a pig, eat like a pig, I always say. You can check behind my fridge-it's pretty clean. But then, I have table manners, so that's a big help.

Here's a news flash, Archie Bunker. By saying that we should have your dinner ready deingrates the promotion of the new nuclear family, a more cooperative effort that doesn't see the average housewife secretly downing martinis before her man comes home and bonking the milkman just to get a little lubrication out of her life. If my man's dinner is ready before he comes home, that's because I want to cook and want to cook for him. It's not because I am told to. And I'd like to see the end result of a man who tries to order me to clean out from behind the fridge.

You might find his testicles hanging back there like a rearview window car deodorizer.

I work with a few Yorkshire lads, and they tell me Yorkshire men:

1) Come from God's country
2) Don't pronounce "H's" in place names, so "Halifax" becomes "Alifax".
3) Are so cheap they won't give you the steam off their piss.

But nowhere do they say that Yorkshire men are caveman-dwelling, misogynistic assholes. They omitted that part. So maybe Godfrey Bloom's "unga-bunga" 1950's attitude is not a good representative for Yorkshire men.

Godfrey Bloom also says:

"...equal rights legislation was actually putting women out of work, adding that MEPs had "little or no business experience" and did not understand the consequences of their actions."

Yet on the radio interview I heard him give, he said that the men's legislation was "understood and the norm". They didn't need legislation as that's the way business should be run. They are the standard, ergo women working must be the exception, the "abnormal", if you will.

So you do want women out of the workplace, then.

From my perspective, it's the cost of doing business if you want to own or run your own business. Women need to take maternity leave? Sorry-that was a risk you should've assumed beforehand. You want to champion the small businessman and protect them from the hordes of breeding women, Godfrey Bloom? OK. Mr. Y's father owns his own business, and his number 1 guy is about to take off on sabbatical for one year to sail around the world, leaving Mr. Y's father's business screwed. Where do you see yourself protecting that businessman?

Or does it not count as "protecting men's rights"?

But he's worked with women before. As a champion for women, he was severely taxed mentally and physically in his support for the Cambridge University ladies' rugby team.

"After the 2003 Varsity match, he praised the victorious Cambridge 'girls', stating that while some might think them 'manly', they actually 'scrub up very nicely'."

Right. Thank God you survived that nightmare to go on and be such a public figure.

Trust me, Godfrey Bloom, the glass ceiling is very much still in place. I know, I've smacked it a few times. And you want to play the game about women of childbearing age not working? Fine. Let's see what happens to your economy. Work it that way, and you're going to need the support payments from the EU you're so desperately trying to seperate from.

The paper goes on to say:

"The new MEP's wife, Katie, was unavailable for comment last night."

Hopefully, she was busy at her solicitor's filing divorce papers. Or buying poison from the shop to spice up his ready-for-you-darling lamb dinner on the table. Or bonking the milkman.

If you'll excuse me now, I'm going to make some breakfast. It'll take me a while to get downstairs, what with my childbearing hips and all.


PS-Read more here and here.

Posted by: Everydaystranger at 09:11 AM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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1 how on earth can someone with attitudes like that get to be his party rep for Womens Issues?? Do they not have women members of this party? What do they think of his attitudes?? I'm honestly stunned. That's just plain... prehistoric!!

Posted by: melanie at July 22, 2004 09:36 AM (jDC3U)

2 Probably coz a lot of the attitude around this country is very old fashion, Melanie. Maybe someone should tell good ol Godfrey where children comes from and that they are the ones that grow up to take care of his future. It always pissed me off that woman in child-bearing age or pregnant woman seems to be a burden of some kind. Hell...without us they would be nothing.

Posted by: croxie at July 22, 2004 09:49 AM (OYMfh)

3 Melanie, It's the UK independence party and apparently they don't have any women members! It's a really bizarre concept - UKIP in Europe trying to wreck it. But then IMHO the UKIP is strange - from Mr Kilroy-Silk down. You hear some of the stuff that Robert spouts, and is it any wonder other members of his party act the way they do? Mr Bloom - I salute you if only for being a monument to the some of the worst traits of maleness.

Posted by: Andy at July 22, 2004 10:20 AM (JsIGx)

4 umm yeah. I am in Edinburgh today (London in 4 days!! WHEEE off to another more expensive place in the owrld. HOLY SHIT Is it expensive here.) And I saw that in the news yesterday, I say we hack his nads and put one on each or our rear view mirrors. As for Katie the wife, I can only assume she was maknig his dinner lacing it with arsenic. that is if she was a self respecting woman. well said!

Posted by: stinkerbell at July 22, 2004 10:23 AM (EeSJT)

5 Something tells me that Katie wasn't preparing a laced dinner or bonking the milkman. I think Katie was unavailable to the press because that was what Bloomers told her to be. A man like that does not marry a woman who thinks for herself.

Posted by: Jim at July 22, 2004 10:50 AM (behRF)

6 Now now ladies, you must understand, all this political business is very complicated, and best left to the men who are naturally equipped to handle it. Besides, you have your own issues to attend to, as I mentioned the refrigerator cleaning, and there is also meal planning, the laundry, shopping, etc. Don't you think you have enough going on in your busy little lives that you really shouldn't be taking time out to talk about things you don't understand? What you should be concerned with is that you support the decisions your man makes for you family, and remember just how hard he works to put food on the table. He doesn't want to hear about your petty issues of equality, and womenÂ’s rights, not when he has to deal with important, real issues everyday at his job. Remember he has a lot of stress and pressure in his life, you should want to make sure that he doesn't have to lower himself to dealing with all the minor drudgery of running a home. You should be proud that if you work hard, and try your very best you can remove this one nuisance from the list so he can deal with the making the important choices for your families future. Everyone has to do their part you know.

Posted by: Godfrey Bloom at July 22, 2004 12:08 PM (ncyv4)

7 It's amazing that a politician is permitted to say such things it public and remain in one piece. And I second Jim's comment, I assumed a wife of such oa go-nad was told to keep quiet. I figure, if she could think for herself, by this time she'd be wearing the two veg as earrings and Godfrey's tirades would be delivered at a higher pitch.

Posted by: karmajenn at July 22, 2004 01:51 PM (fx1A8)

8 That's truly amazing. Stupidity of such awesome proportions deserves some sort of recognition. The link did say that he was trying to be humorous, but some things just aren't funny.

Posted by: Eay at July 22, 2004 02:10 PM (j25cw)

9 In the US we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, so women have the right to aspire to any position they want; and that's how it should be. But part of me wonders if they shouldn't aspire to a more important goal, raising a family. If a woman isn't in the work force, a company will hire a man to do her job, and it'll get done. But if a woman isn't in the home raising her family, a lot is getting left undone, and there's no one to fill that void. Daycare workers do NOT care for or nurture your children as much as you do!! I've seen at least a dozen women have children, take their 12 week leave WITH PAY, and then decide not to come back to work. Every time a woman has a baby, productivity goes down significantly during the 3rd trimester (if not sooner), and then she gets paid for 12 weeks off. When my two angels were born, I used a week's worth of vacation time for each of them. I'm not saying I agree with Bloom, but logically I can see his point on child bearing women being more costly. Can't you?

Posted by: Solomon at July 22, 2004 02:12 PM (k1sTy)

10 The problem is that he is only saying that to grab the headlines and to make Britain look stupid. The UKIP want to break Europe from the inside by talking crap and making fools of themselves. Hence, he as women's minister goes against everything that he is meant to go for when it comes to women's rights. UKIP - Posh name for the BNP. Both are an embarasment to Britain. Unfortunately, my mate's uncle is the head of the UKIP - but we have great fun winding him up.

Posted by: Tilesey at July 22, 2004 03:08 PM (ya9xC)

11 How on earth is raising a family more important than working? Often, in terms of single moms, it goes hand in hand. But it's this that I take umbrage at: If a woman isn't in the work force, a company will hire a man to do her job, and it'll get done. Meaning that a woman wouldn't get the job done?

Posted by: Helen at July 22, 2004 03:31 PM (pS7+B)

12 And why does the woman have to be the one to stay home and raise the family in all of these scenarios? Why can't the man be the stay at home person?

Posted by: Helen at July 22, 2004 03:43 PM (pS7+B)

13 Like Tilesy said, the UKIP are simply the BNP for middle-aged, middle class bigots. Unfortunately they picked up a sizeable protest vote in the last round of European elections (as did similar bunches of loons from other EU countries), partly due to voter dissatisfaction/disillusionment with the major parties, partly due to the cult of the Daily Mail and partly due to a lot of middle-Englanders quite liking that nice Mr Kilroy-Silk who got sacked by the BBC. Looking on the bright side, their plan to bring down the EU from the inside by claiming their MEP salaries, but not actually going to Brussels to vote on anything is clearly doomed to failure; and statements like these will hopefully only hasten their retreat back under the stone they've crawled out from.

Posted by: Gareth at July 22, 2004 03:56 PM (JVSGz)

14 H, the man can't be the stay at home person because he's the one spouting the mysogynistic claptrap. Generally speaking that is, although I'm sure Godfery Bloom would explain things differently. The only logical (yet inexcusable) reason I can think of for the woman staying at home with the family and the man working is that men still get paid more for doing exactly the same jobs as women. Of course, that's logic based on an inequality that should have been corrected years ago and so inherently flawed, but from a purely materialistic "kids are expensive" viewpoint, it makes sense for the highest earner in the family to keep working assuming on or other parent quits their job, regardless of gender.

Posted by: Gareth at July 22, 2004 04:02 PM (JVSGz)

15 Good post, love the way you ended it.

Posted by: justme at July 22, 2004 04:29 PM (F/Z9Q)

16 I'm not sure if I'm comforted or disappointed by the fact that UK politicians can apparently be just as stupid and backwards as ours in the US.

Posted by: gemtaur80 at July 22, 2004 04:50 PM (Sn5k/)

17 Helen - You should know me better than to think I would "slam" a woman that way. My point was only that if you or I quit our jobs tomorrow, our companies will find someone to do our work. But moms aren't expendable. You can't just get someone to fill in for raising your children. What's more important, raising a child, writing a program, or fine tuning hamsters? The programs I write and the rodents you work on will be obsolete & useless within 10 years. Raising children correctly will positively impact the next generation and beyond. To me parenting eclipses any profession in importance. The man CAN stay home, but then the work force still has to deal with diminished work capacity during pregnancy, 12 weeks paid time off, and moms leaving due to maternal instincts. Very few dads leave a job when they have a child; quite a few moms do. Plus very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY few dads do as well at nurturing children as moms do.

Posted by: Solomon at July 22, 2004 06:52 PM (k1sTy)

18 Sorry, Solomon my dear. I realize you weren't slamming women. I'm perhaps a wee bit hot under the collar about this one. But you said one thing that I absolutely agree on lately-my rodent work? Pointless. Hence why I really do need to "get a life".

Posted by: Helen at July 22, 2004 07:50 PM (pS7+B)

19 I understand. We all have something that gets us hot and bothered.

Posted by: Solomon at July 22, 2004 08:16 PM (k1sTy)

20 Oh my goodness, did you take him down or WHAT? That was like the verbal equivalent of a Jackie Chan movie. A Jackie Chan movie from Hong Kong, unedited, no plot and all ass-kicking. TFA. Totally fucking awesome.

Posted by: ilyka at July 22, 2004 09:55 PM (GbdTC)

21 And perhaps I should clarify-I have a new man in my life that I hate more than I hate getting razor burn on my bikini line. *Cringe* Wax darling....wax!

Posted by: Lily at July 22, 2004 11:41 PM (PuHU/)

22 Wow! What a maroon! Even in the most calculating, cynical, cold business schemer who is slightly astute knows that to make money, it is the right person for the right job. My sister is/was in the child-bearing age or pregnant catagory and she still works happily in the small company who set up a secure networked computer at her home to "profit" from her attention to detail and responsibility that is in her nature. Responsibility increased further because of her child. They knew that in countless years she saved them from making accounting/deal/business mistakes more costly than her salary. Pregnant women aren't suddenly paraplegic; she was there nearly the full year anyway before and after birth. I personally believe a company that intentionally creates a corporate culture that is beyond government regulations and based on a genuine interest and investment in their people, focused on their families and success, can run more smoothly and efficiently managed than any selfish driven-from-the-top enterprise. As a company grows or maybe is in league with other like minded small businesses, I believe it is in their best interest to include day care and after school programs for their male and female employee's children. A company that reduces external stresses and gains the confidence of it's people is nearly unbeatable and also returns a more rewarding life to it's founders.

Posted by: Roger at July 23, 2004 02:52 AM (eeFqm)

23 Helen, My friend Gwynneth has a high powered job in the Holden (=General Motors) company. Her partner Dharaigh is the primary carer for the kids. He does a bit of work for himself during school hours. Gwynneth is entitled to a company car, and gets them replaced almost weekly with anything her little heart desires. Because Dharaigh is the petrol head of the family, it is generally what his little heart desires, as well as a classic Morris Minor of his own. They have a great life. Another woman, Cath, manages a warehouse of aids for the disabled. She employs her partner part time but he is the major carer. Actually they are more 50-50 than the first couple. They too are doing well.

Posted by: Helen at July 23, 2004 01:02 PM (6SND1)

24 Roger - I understand pregnant women don't become paraplegics, but especially during the 3rd trimester, they don't get around as well, go to the bathroom hourly, have doctor visits biweekly (and eventually weekly), are much more drained in energy, and their mind is frequently elsewhere. You're right that companies need the right person for the right job, but is there only one right person? And now your sister's company has the added cost of networking her from home, not being able to have a face to face conversation at will, and only getting 80% of her time. Prechild, she probably worked for them a solid 8 hours a day, but now she has to spend part of her time feeding, changing, holding, and playing with your niece/nephew. I'm not saying her company should dump her and hire a man; I think they're very smart to accommodate her since she knows their business so well and has helped them so much in the past. But don't you agree that, in general, child bearing women are more costly than nonchild bearing men? There are exceptions, but businesses should accommodate exceptions not base standard policy on them.

Posted by: Solomon at July 23, 2004 02:02 PM (k1sTy)

25 Helen-I want a Morris Minor so badly you wouldn't believe it!

Posted by: Helen at July 23, 2004 02:44 PM (pS7+B)

26 Solomon, I don't agree with you at all on your cost assessments. Nor on the amount of unavailablity. You don't see the right investments. Also you don't see that you would be hard pressed to find your male replacement. Nor that if a company is 'worth it' to employees they won't try the 12 week maternity leave and then quit approach to their careers. There is way too much emphasis on hours over quality time/work. In the company I want to create, I'll apply a technique I've used in running a lab. Tell the guys, we have more lined up next week; lets get ready for it. Why don't we quit at noon on Friday, I'll wash the labware, see you next week. And on the individual basis, I sometimes suggest they ask their wives for date. And the next week they come back to work grinning and telling me they had a great weekend. Having people sitting around waiting for the clock does a company no good. But in return I want a little extra on days when the company/project needs it. The biggest problem people have in running a business is the lop-sided salary ratio of CEO's to everyone else. Instead of 300:1 try 7:1. If a CEO and clique need 5 homes, a couple of jets, 15 girlfriends, etc. each they'll be soundly beaten by the type of company I want to build. I'll have better(in multiple ways) people working 'with' me. Emphasis on 'with'.

Posted by: Roger at July 23, 2004 03:08 PM (8S2fE)

27 Roger, I like your ideas for a company and would love to work for a company like that. I know how costly it is to replace someone; that's not the point I'm addressing. If you had a 25 year old male & female candidate who were exactly equally qualified for a job, on average the female will cost more in the long run. She has a significant work capacity diminisher that men don't have. If she has 2 children over 10 years, that's 24 weeks off that men don't get, X days off due to doctor visits, and Y hours of diminished work capacity due to fatigue and other pregnant related issues. Plus there are other female issues that men don't have that can cause regular disruptions in the daily work flow. I'm not saying women shouldn't work, or that they aren't as good as men in office jobs; but I do think child bearing women have a major cost associated with them that men don't have. Isn't that true?

Posted by: Solomon at July 23, 2004 07:22 PM (k1sTy)

28 Tilesey: Oddly, none of the people at Samizdata seem to think that UKIP is anything like the BNP. (I mention them because they a) despise the BNP, b) generally like the UKIP, and c) know a lot more about UK politics than I, as a Yank, do.) Solomon, Roger: Note that, while I don't particularly wish to defend Mr. Bloom against the outrage directed at him, that he said specifically small businessmen, not large corporations. He should be attacked, if he should at all, for what he said, not something else that sounds similar, but he did not say. I suspect there might be some truth in what he says, namely that small business owners may be unlikely to hire women statistically likely to get pregnant. If this is so, then it is so, and he's not doing anything more than being impolitic for saying it. If it's not so, then he's wrong. (And he's a lousy politician no matter what for saying such a thing, in those terms, where someone could get it on tape.)

Posted by: Sigivald at July 23, 2004 09:32 PM (4JnZM)

29 Sigivald, a small business run right with people working 'with' each other can make more money per capita than a large corporation. I don't follow your delineation. A person who is right for the job who also has a healthy uterus is not a burden or expensive proposition when all involved have their priorities right, including her family unit. In fact a mom-to-be can have a wonderful effect on the business and everyone around her. Sure beats employing the slutty bitch who has her tubes tied and proves to be more interested in turning the work place into a soap opera.

Posted by: Roger at July 24, 2004 02:37 PM (8S2fE)

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