May 07, 2009


A week ago I had a Very Bad Day.

Very Bad Days happen to everyone, I know. I'm the first to hold my hand up and say that my life, it's a bit of a roller coaster. When the cart is at the top of the hill and the wind is in my hair, then there is nothing that I cannot do, nothing that I cannot survive. And when the cart is headed for a trough in the coaster, my hair streaming behind me and my heart in my throat, all I can do is hang on and hope that the slope slows down and that I don't careen off the tracks.

I'm not sure what happened last Thursday on my Very Bad Day. I'm not sure really what triggered it, and I don't know how to prevent it from happening again. All I can tell you is this - Thursday evening I poured myself the hottest bath that I could stand. I was sobbing and trying to scrub my skin off because I felt there was no one I could be clean. I was sobbing and trying to jump out of myself with pure and utter desperation, an alcoholic off the wagon, a drug addict buying an illicit plastic packet. In the end the only thing that calmed me down was to sit there and violently shake my head from side to side as hard as I could. I did it for ages, sat in the hot steaming bathtub, crying.

There I was at the bottom of the roller coaster falling apart.

My therapist told me this next round of therapy would be harder. I can't really imagine anything harder than what I went through last time, to consider what difficulty means this time is rather destroying. But I roll my sleeves up. I nod. I accept that I've got work to do separating the wheat from the chaff inside of me.

My family has recently hit a point where the dust will settle and I will no longer take the map out, wondering which direction to go. My mother has moved from Dallas, packing everything up (including the Grandma) and moving to another state. She was reluctant to tell me where she was moving. No one told me my Grandma went, I had to do the investigating myself. My mother - in a very businesslike manner - informed me and my father that she would be shipping several boxes of my things to my father. I can't remember what those things might be. I've been thinking about those boxes a lot, wondering what part of my life is in there. A small part of me doesn't want to know. A larger part of me does. Perhaps it's irrelevant as my family had a massive falling out and I don't think the boxes will ever make their way to me, anyway. Maybe my mother never sent them. Maybe she threw them away.

My family moved away and now I know - I won't be going to Dallas again. I have nothing left there. My secret hopes of reconciliation are gone, that won't be happening. My Grandma's gone. Kim is dead. There is nothing in Dallas for me now but dust and dreams and the feel of copper under my fingertips. It's a finality, but a good one. That door closes and I'm good with that.

The family one is harder. I struggle with family. Six letters in a word that defines so many of us. Six letters. The same amount of letters as strong. As misery. As depend. So many people read here that are estranged from their families, and I don't know if it's because as a unit, we no longer need family in the way that generations past did. Maybe the internet calls lost souls to it like a siren call, and we all congregate together and feel better for being one of Those People, the bad ones that have split families.

My sister and her husband have blocked all contact with me, but I don't really care. Not anymore. I don't actually expect I'll ever see her again, not even at family funerals (apart from my father's, when no doubt she'll be tetchy about inheritances and such). We were close, once, but that closeness did not hold. She is not my family, not anymore, not ever again.

I had hopes for my mother and I, but too much has happened. The latest is too much. I wanted her to be a part of Nick and Nora's lives, but I don't think that will happen. I wish I was better at this. I wish I was a better person. I sent some emails a few weeks ago out of sheer exasperation and hopes that we could be united for 5 children. They backfired in a way I could never have anticipated. I give up. I'm not going to try anymore. This is the way it's going to be.

I've had my anti-depressant medication adjusted. Tonight I trek into London to be therapatized. I am so looking forward to it while dreading it at the same time. Alastair and I have been talking about it a lot, and I am really having a harder time of it this time round. I feel somehow more exposed, more raw, more vulnerable.

I will put my soul to the side because I don't need it right now, and deal with everything else.


PS-Secret Scripture Book Review next Friday. Be there or be square. You don't need to have finished the book, either. I'm going to gather up questions for it now, so please email/comment on what questions you have for the book club.

Posted by: Everydaystranger at 08:29 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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1 Listening. Caring. And hoping that the cart is heading upwards.

Posted by: Hairy Farmer Family at May 07, 2009 09:29 AM (Cyvhl)

2 I'm very sorry to hear all that. You know what a huge fan I am of family; but if family doesn't want to be family, you can't make them. All you can do is wish them the best and be willing to forgive if they ever come to their senses and want to reconcile.

Posted by: Solomon at May 07, 2009 12:58 PM (Lm4QJ)

3 Good thing the family that you chose loves you and cares so much. And I can't wait for you guys to come to Seattle so I can see Nick and Nora. I mean, you. Really, I meant you.

Posted by: donna at May 07, 2009 01:29 PM (b9N4N)

4 The trenches between my divorced parents were too deep and made it impossible for my brother (sympathizing with my mother) and me (loving my father)for the rest of our lives to reconciliate and have a relaxed brother-sister relationship. We had horrible inheritance fights a few years ago. The children always pay the price for the hatred and failure of their parents. And some mothers (fathers possibly too) simply abuse their children fighting their ex, expecting their children to feel the same way about the ex, not forgiving his faults from the past, and moreover not realizing that their children feel guilty about loving the other part, being torn in two pieces inside. Your secret hopes of reconciliation for the sake of your children are probably your own secret hopes from childhood. I had them too as long as my parents were both alive. Your kids have a wonderful family already, also grandfathers and grandmothers, they don't really need it. To realize that jumping over the trenches is not possible is indeed very very sad. Love Paula

Posted by: Paula at May 07, 2009 03:03 PM (Y/FyV)

5 Family is what you make of it. It definitely doesn't have to be what you are born into. I could spend a week on Oprah with all the crap that I've dealt with and currently dealing with my family. The only thing I've come up with is I don't let my family dictate who I am. I dictate that, even when I don't know myself. My family I was born into does not define me. My family that I've created myself is the one that does.

Posted by: Tif at May 07, 2009 03:36 PM (fPmeR)

6 I have personally come to the conclusion ( mainly through years of therapy !!) is that our family of origin doesn't have to be our family of choice. I will not be defined by their dysfunction, meaness and destruction I know I make a great friend and have made a family of choice who support and nurture me . I think Shannon you are definitely proving that 'blood is thicker than water' is a myth. I honour anyone who travels the therapy road it is not for the fainthearted!

Posted by: jane at May 07, 2009 04:11 PM (Pfdre)

7 The thing about families (of any stripe and color) is that they are a working entity. To my way of thinking, you're the one that's been doing all the heavy lifting. That doesn't sound like family to me. I know it's hard, but this is so not your cross to bear, sweetie. I'm here, always, loving you and rooting for you and whenever and whatever I can do to help, you know where I am. xoxo

Posted by: Margi at May 07, 2009 04:47 PM (r2Tnl)

8 My family consists of those I choose now. It took me years to figure out that MY "family" does not meet the definition, just the biological association. I've discarded many. I'm better for it. But it took me awhile to FEEL better. ((hugs))

Posted by: Stories Aside at May 07, 2009 04:52 PM (KBcpL)

9 "I don't know if it's because as a unit, we no longer need family in the way that generations past did." I'm stuck on this, it's sort of reverberating in my brain. My family isn't my family, in many ways. However the people I hold dearest to me, aren't related, but they are the people I'd want to be with on my last days. That's how I define family. My relationship with one of my family memebers is strained, and if not for the rest of the family, we would likely be permenantly estranged. I'm ok with that, and if it comes down to it, then so be it. I refuse to be the one to make all the concessions and forgivenes to someone who is unabale to do the same thing.

Posted by: Angela at May 07, 2009 05:25 PM (DGWM7)

10 Just sending hugs babes xx

Posted by: moira at May 07, 2009 05:27 PM (UGBIN)

11 So many people put family on a pedestal-like those people can hurt you and treat you like shit and make you feel miserable-but they are family so you are expected to take it. I call bullshit. Family can be some of the most toxic people you know. You have a new, healthier family with Alastair and your 4 kids. That is the family that defines you. The pain and disappointment blood family causes seems to hurt so much more, and maybe it is because we grow up thinking that family should be a certain way, that this isn't the way family should treat each other. Lord knows you (and so many of us) deserve a better mom (or dad, sister, brother....), but we don't get it. But that doesn't make it hurt any less. The upside? You're not alone, and you have this family here to support you. You are also realizing that you did your part-you tried to reach out, and that is all you can do. Most importantly, you are being a better mom to your kids, and that is the biggest difference of all. Be strong and stand your ground, and in the end it will be you who decides what kind of relationship (even if it means no contact at all) that you have with blood family. Once you take the control, and own it, you can come to peace with it.

Posted by: Teresa at May 07, 2009 08:40 PM (07Vt0)

12 Shit. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water. Family are so good like that, aren't they? I am so sorry, sweetheart, and so very sorry that this is having such a cruel effect on you. Hugs, and best wishes for the therapatizing.

Posted by: May at May 07, 2009 09:23 PM (3jesX)

13 It was just hard to read all that about the family. But at least you can be thankful for the family you, Alastair and your kids are forming.

Posted by: Ernie E at May 07, 2009 09:38 PM (ySnJD)

14 Ashley (resisting urge to call you Helen), I'm sorry things suck and they're hard...I hope it gets easier for you very soon. Families are hard...even in the best of circumstances. Sorry it turned out that way with yours.

Posted by: wn at May 08, 2009 01:21 AM (8ePzj)

15 Is it possible that you're not the bad one at the family thing -- that THEY are? Seems to me that you work harder at family, care more, and leave yourself open to the good, the bad, and the mundane, far more than your mother and your sister do. While it may not feel like it now, perhaps they're doing you and your children a big favor. Please quit beating yourself up over people who don't give you even a tenth of the thought that you give to them. Family isn't genes. That's an accident of nature. People who love you, support you, occasionally give you a much needed kick in the tush, and then hug you when you're wincing from same? THOSE people are your family. You are a good and valuable person. Quit waiting for people who are related to you by an accident of genetics to confirm that. You've got a lovely man, two gorgeous babies, and a couple of step kids who adore you to confirm that. Not to mention a worldwide circle of friends.

Posted by: Omnibus Driver at May 08, 2009 03:20 AM (bUdcD)

16 Oh gosh, families are certainly unique in that they can inflict more misery on a person than anything else in this world. Or bring more joy. I'm sorry that one family is letting you down, but glad that the other, the more important, is there for you. Hang in there. There are so many people cheering you on, believing in you. You deserve the support. You can do it.

Posted by: Jungle Mom at May 08, 2009 07:53 AM (wyPEC)

17 Dear Shannon/Helen, This is in reference to the email you posted on Friday about going back to the therapist. At the end you said you told him things that would send us fleeing from this website - and I wanted to tell you that for me, at least, that could never be true. You are taking the journey that I am not brave enough to take yet - I am 54 with so many stitches holding my wrists shut I can't count them, and still am to afraid to believe I might be able to be helped. Your struggles are mine, and reading about them may only be a pale pale shadow compared to me doing something about mine - trust me, every single letter, syllable and word you write makes me feel less lonely and afraid. What you said yesterday about maybe this internet community in some way substituting for our broken families really resonated with me, and I ask you humbly and sincerely to continue with bravely sharing with us - I need it so much. Thank you for listening to my rambling - words can be so limiting - is also hard to type with tears streaming on to the keyboard. x

Posted by: Felicity Jones at May 08, 2009 02:13 PM (zhrjc)

18 In my mind I gave up my inheritance a long rime ago so that I can have a relationship with my sister. If I tried to be a real part of my family, she would assume I was trying to take her place. So I gave it all up, so I can still be in contact with them. My point is, she's a nice person but the situation is fucked up. If your family is even a little bit nuts the effed-up-ness is potentially exponential. Don't blame yourself for setting boundaries.

Posted by: isabel at May 09, 2009 06:16 AM (0H+t6)

19 You really are a crazy nut ball. Amazing you were permitted to have children. And then that you didn't drown them as infants. Amazing.

Posted by: Mee at May 10, 2009 07:16 PM (BDPF4)

20 Mee- I believe you are not Mee. You are K, who is embroiled in an argument on Mel's site. An argument that has nothing to do with me. Your IP gave you away, babe. And that's some kind of fucked up, pretending to be someone else. Fuck off, K. Oh, sorry, Mee. And I really mean that.

Posted by: Shannon at May 10, 2009 08:44 PM (e0f8+)

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